Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rant on the Communists in power in the USA.

First Entry:

I wanted to introduce myself so you know who I am.

My name is Jessie (Age: 35),  I have five children ranging from 17 yrs. to 3 yrs. old.  I have a loving wife Paula who is an amazing stay at home mom who always says what she thinks and never just agrees with me unless she is being sarcastic.

I love all my family and want the best that I can provide for them.

On to the topic:

What is this world coming too?  When did our Democratic Party become the socialist/communist party.  Since when does making laws to make life harder on law abiding citizens make any sense?  Shouldn't we be making the criminals lives harder?

Who truly thinks that increasing restrictions on gun owners will have any effect on the criminals?  These people have already demonstrated their contempt of our laws and society, there is no way that they are just going to go "Oh!  This is the law that I am going to follow!".  These new laws that are being proposed would not have any effect on stopping any mass shooting in the last hundred years... I can change a magazine in less than a second.  Those magazine restrictions just make it more likely that a criminal is carrying a 30 round magazine in his weapon and as I am a law abiding citizen I am handicapped with only 10 rounds.  Good job law makers...

You only need to look at the crime rates in England and Australia before and after their confiscation and gun bans went into effect.  See, (,,  and each of these sites show independently that the strict laws that our current President and the Democratic Party are lobbying for will in most likely hood not be effective in reducing crime.  It will instead increase crime... Criminals don't like to get shot... if there is a chance that they will be shot they will choose another target, but if you take the public's right to protect themselves away you will find that the criminals have less worries and crime will become more prolific..

I was going to go into the "Gun Show Loophole Myth" but Marshall Wirig at the Minuteman Review explained it very well and is a better explication that mine.  See his explanation at

I will rant some more later have fun.


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